Posted by: beansai | August 23, 2008

Can you believe it…?

    Because it is absolutely necessary that this post happens, despite not really having much to say, here it is…. happening. But why you ask? Well, the truth be told… I must post this useless article because I bought a new white MacBook! Yes, horrendous splurge (sufficiently rationalized, of course). Anyway, in my excitement of having my new MacBook, I deemed it utterly necessary to get the feel of posting on it. Hopefully now I will post more since I’ll have a computer with me away from home. So far I have had a blast setting up and synching my computers.

    Another piece of news is that classes start up next week. I’m currently a mixture of excitement and nerves. It’s my last semester as and Undergraduate and I’m hoping that everything goes well… and here in come the nerves. At the same time I’m giddy that it is my last semester. Sidenote: I really hate those stupid Twix commercials that are just guys manipulating women and making them look like gullible morons…. Does anyone else find those commercials insulting? Where are the ones that the guys are duped in? Anyway. I just saw one of those commercials and I had to interrupt myself.

    My new MacBook has that new computer smell… a wonderful clean smell. Fresh too. I had fun in the Apple Store. It was nice to go in there, knowing exactly what I wanted and what I needed to do. The amount of people and the knowledge of the employees didn’t frighten me at all. It was a nice feeling to stroll in confident and secure in my choices and knowledge of the product I was buying. It made me happy. Naturally I was already giddy with the thought of buying this new gem, but the circumstances made the actual act of purchasing even more enjoyable. 🙂 It’s not often that I feel comfortable or confident in those type of situations, so it was a nice change. Anyway, I really need to wrap this up and go play with my pup, Princess. Night all! (P.S. – I will post some pictures of my new MacBook later.)


  1. I hope perhaps having a readily available computer to write down any possible spurts of inspiration regarding poetry will be super nice. Of course I completely condone the purchase of a new Mac. 😀

    Anywho, can’t wait to see what might be in store for Lit Bit and new poetry that hopefully will tingle its way onto this humble site.

  2. Having a new laptop would make blogging SO much more enjoyable! I can just imagine fatting it up on the couch, writing about things that popped up in my RSS, or on television. Now THAT is luxury!
    Can’t wait for the pics, Willow 😀

  3. […] delved into the joy of booting up my brand new laptop. What I didn’t mention in my post Can you believe it…? was that I had a minor issue with my MacBook. And I mean minor! A little off of center of the […]

  4. @Skunkie – I certainly hope that it will help me to capture any moments of inspiration or thought that come into this muddled brain. Once things settle into more of a routine, I hope to get around to blogging more and everything. It will be nice.

    @meganice9 – It is nice that I have it with me pretty much everywhere I go, though I don’t actually use it at home that often. My iMac reserves the home front more so. Though I have once or twice pulled it out so I could lay on my bed and do homework. 🙂

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